Trust Synergetic For Quality Assurance

Configure software to work for you; we'll make sure it does

Why use software right out of the box?

Customize it to work the way your company works. Evaluate and change options. Integrate the software with other applications. And don't worry. Synergetic can work with you on best practices for option settings. Once you've done your customizing, Synergetic will test the applications to ensure the software functions the way you want it to work.

Have you installed the latest PDF application or macro suite? Does it integrate with Microsoft Office? Do the applications perform as expected?

QA Testing


A need for quality assurance testing often arises when clients integrate third-party products into their software and users encounter difficulties with software functionality. These glitches occasionally occur because the engineers who are integrating the software are not trained in its uses; their expertise lies in integration and set-up.

Often, Synergetic is asked to assist with third-party integrations — for example, the addition of custom applications to the Microsoft Office Suite. Synergetic will conduct a series of tests to ensure the third-party applications work with your Microsoft Office Suite and vice versa.

Typically, our clients ask us to take that a step further and customize all applications — both Microsoft and third-party — to be certain they are integrated properly and that both continue to function as intended. Synergetic experts will validate those client-customized options and settings are activated or set properly so that all applications continue to work — without crashes.

Sometimes problems arise when Microsoft Word is integrated with a client's document management system, and documents do not update and save properly. Synergetic will test and recommend needed adjustments to be sure documents are saving properly.

Or, when a user clicks on a specific command, sometimes an application will completely shut down. A Synergetic expert will test from the user's perspective to make sure a typical employee is able to perform day-to-day tasks without problems.

In the course of quality assurance testing, we also offer recommendations for additional customization to further improve functionality and resulting productivity. We might discover that a certain task requires five clicks, while some additional customization could reduce that to two clicks — over the course of a day, three fewer clicks for a frequently performed task add up to increased productivity.

Need help fine-tuning your newly integrated application

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